aershin Guildmaster replied

576 weeks ago

As you all know, we're shooting for a large house. We need everyone's help, as the large house is quite expensive. Auric is the main person over the house, and Kitta helps a ton. They could use help obtaining several items as they craft to help increase our balance. They're after fire and water clusters, as well as hq darksteel ore and hq gold ore. Philo mats are helpful as well. I'll let them post any other materials they're after.

The house will be used by all, and getting the money necessary to buy one will go much faster if we all contribute. Every little bit helps. So if you aren't inclined to gather, that's fine. Deposits from dungeons, sold crafting items, etc. would be greatly appreciated!

You can check our balance by clicking on "FC Bank." Let's get our house!

kitta Guildmaster replied

576 weeks ago

We can also do Timeworn Peisteskin maps as a group, as well as spirit bond (crafting materia sells well) if we have enough people interested

aershin Guildmaster replied

576 weeks ago

I'd be interested in helping with either.
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