aershin Guildmaster replied

571 weeks ago

We had a timing mishap–I'm not sure if I posted it incorrectly or if it was changed to Friday by another. Regardless though, we'll need to work out another time for Coil this week–probably Friday. Let me know if you can't make it.


aershin Guildmaster replied

571 weeks ago

I apologize for the inconvenience.

kitta Guildmaster replied

571 weeks ago

I set them all to Friday because I understood that's the only day that Hitsu could make it, unless we are planning to go without him from now on.

aershin Guildmaster replied

571 weeks ago

Np. Hitsu said he's fine pugging it, and there are some who still prefer to have it earlier in the week. Hopefully with our second group we can cover those who need/prefer to have it later in the week. For now I think we'll go with Monday as the set day each week to do it. We'll talk about it as a group on Wednesday.
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